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Arrogance Beyond Insubmission

Submission is a very “loose” word of multiple interpretations. So much so that each person answers according to their predetermined level of submission. And, often, the level of submission is not based on a genuine spirit of servanthood but instead imposed by a “power structure” of a “do it or pay the consequences” setup.

Regretfully, many live to see their world turned upside down and even destroyed… because they refuse to submit to a wiser voice of leadership.

While 99% of the population obeys by imposition, others make a soul choice to submit. Such submissive souls are ALWAYS ushered into a world of daily blessings and heavenly peace!

Submission is a choice! A wise choice.

Contrary to the captain’s opinion, Paul warned Julius, the centurion, that the boat they were on would sink! But Julies emphasized the captain’s “professional” opinion over Paul’s prophetic warning.

The boat sank after 14 days of blinding rains and pounding hurricane winds!

When we become too important and know-it-all, the boat will sink!

Precisely the same thing happened last Sunday in the ritzy tourist town of Gramado, Brazil. Mr. “Rich” Chairman decided to show off his pilot skills after vacationing with his whole family! All ten family members took one final selfie before boarding. He did not seem to worry about the almost zero visibility (fog can be very treacherously misleading). Since the runway did not have an active control tower and because there was no VOICE OF AUTHORITY, he DECIDED on his own to fly anyway!

He could have called into the nearby weather station. But did not!

Again, at the end of the day, when refusing submission, each person answers for their own decisions. Life is much better when there is a loving voice of caution to be heard (if the person is humble enough to seek wisdom).

Was Mr. Rich Chairman qualified to fly a twin-engine Piper plane? Probably not! Was Mr. “Know-it-all” instrument rated? I doubt it! But even if both questions were answered in the affirmative, the airstrip did not have ILS equipment (required to take off in light fog). He was foolish! He had no authority to sign off on his flight plan. Nor, apparently, did he want a qualified overseer!

At 9:13 AM, he stupidly lifted off with the fog down to windshield level! At 9:15 AM, he crashed his lovely Piper Cheyenne Plane into the side of a hotel, just two miles from where he spent the night with his wife, children, and other family members.

They all died instantly.

This often happens when a person is too arrogant to accept (submit to) wise guiding counsel. Not only does such imprudence destroy Mr. Know-it-all, but the consequences of his ill-advised actions also decimated ALL of his family.

There are NO heirs left to continue forward his legacy.

Let the five (arrogant) foolish virgins say, “Amen!”

Brad Lambeth

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