Job 31:27: “…or my mouth hath kissed my hand.”
Self-pride, especially secret self-pride, is hugely detrimental to one’s soul!
Many sins are a result of a sudden temptation. Other sins are not so “secret” (undercover) sins. These two types of sins are somewhat easier to rebuke and take authority over.
However, there are some (not many) sins that are hard to identify directly and, even then, much harder to unroot! Self-pride is one of those deep-rooted sins!
Self-pride is found in the hearts of those who kiss their own hand! As if to congratulate themselves for their own accomplishments! Nothing is wrong with feeling some pleasure in a job well done. But quiet pleasure can quickly degrade into self-pride if the well-done job does not receive the expected “sufficient” accolades and public applause. With time, and after many episodes of supposed lack of recognition, self-pride takes root!
The bottom line is that a person kisses what they adore! And when a person “kisses” their hand, something is wrong! Bad wrong! They are equating themselves to “Kings” … SELF-KINGS! (Despite what others may think, I KNOW I am THE BEST!)
Perhaps what is even worse than kissing your own hand is using a kiss to fake love!
I see Judas’s kiss on Jesus’s cheek in the dark garden of Gethsemane as an ultimate betrayal of faithful love! The fake kiss of a “friend” burns like acid all the way down to the pits of hell! (Luke 22:48/Mt. 26:50).
Self-pride is a “creeping” type of sin. In other words, it quietly infiltrates the soul. Sadly, when finally detected, it is already deeply rooted.
The antidote for self-pride is extreme and continual humbleness!
Never kiss your own hand!
Have the courage to rebuke yourself if you ever want to kiss your hand!
Brad Lambeth
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