Whether you are a “Christmas” person or not, or whether you believe that God was manifest in the flesh during December or April… that is immaterial.
The undeniable truth is you must have a full measure of faith to believe in God (“…must believe that he is” - Hebrews 11:6) AND that God became flesh! But it requires an extra measure of faith (extreme?) to believe that God became “visible” in a tiny baby's body.
Could God have “clothed” Himself using an instantly created body of an adult man? Certainly! Nothing is impossible for God to perform! And I could be wrong, but I believe there is more to the God “baby” body than we fully understand.
After all, except Mary, no one else was in her room when the angel appeared unto her! No one saw the prophetic angel!
So, for the wise men and the Shepherds to proclaim a tiny baby as God in the flesh, an extra measure of faith was required! That is why the wise men were blessed with unique Old Testament revelation to follow the star and why the Shepherds heard a celestial song of proclamation! More than that, the angel even told the keepers of the flock that the baby would be found in a manger and wrapped in swaddling clothes.
Sometimes, “regular” faith needs to be expanded into zones of extreme faith through signs and wonders designed to “push” us into a world of special revelation!
So, I write to encourage all of us (including myself) to use this day today and the rest of this year (and beyond) to look for unique signs and wonders that prove God is still reining over all the earth. What God is doing in our midst right now is immeasurably more fantastic than anything we can imagine! Let’s get excited about what God is ALREADY doing around the world!
May God prepare us for the unimaginable!
Happy Holidays to all, including our Dying Empty readers!
Brad Lambeth
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