Obviously, it is very hard to understand God (impossible!) fully. Don’t even go there!
For example, Isaiah, chapter 40, speaks of how God weighs and measures earthly things: negligibly and insignificant! While we count coins to make a dollar and worry about “dust” on the weighing scales, God does not even notice such minuscule matters. On the contrary, God’s abundance is beyond understanding! See verse 15. Even transferring the islands from one sea to another ocean is meaningless on His scale of Power and Mightiness!
We must learn to ditch our miser Scrooge mentality and jump into God’s “bread and bread with abundance” world of “insignificant” (limitless) blessings! Again, I repeat: God does not measure earthly things as we do… if He did, He would not be God!
On the other hand, there is a side to God’s divinity that DOES seem to take on an earthly component:
LONG years of waiting (read Psalms 95:10 word by word!)
Psalms 95:10, 11 speaks of God “burning” (my word) in wrath for forty LONG years over Israel’s sins while they were trodding in the desert sands. When we hurt someone’s feelings, we humans excuse ourselves WITHOUT ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS by saying, “They’ll get over it.”
One would think that God would “instantly” forget our indiscretions and sins, quickly (instantly!) moving on to unlimited blessings in our lives.
Not so!
God’s patience is VERY SHORT (40 years is a drop in the bucket if compared to eternity) when our continued, insistent sins provoke God’s wrath! While we think that God “forgot” our “in his face” rebellion, God does NOT forget! God uses time differently than He measures blessings!
So, like King Agag, one may think that “the bitterness of death is past.” (I Samuel 15:32), that is NOT so! The ONLY way you can “cancel” God’s wrath is by true repentance and an engaged endeavor of “sinning no more” (John 8:11).
God may delay punishment, but the degree of God’s wrath grows and accelerates with the passing of each year of unrepentant sin… as the years grow LONGER, God’s wrath grows more intense.
Don’t go there!
Seek forgiveness for sins you may barely remember! God only “forgets” sins covered with the Blood of the Cross (true repentance!).
Brad Lambeth
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