It amazes me how church titles excite the fantasy imagination of some church people, especially vogue ministerial titles (youth pastor, minister of worship, board deacon, ad nauseam).
Biblically, most modern church job titles do not exist. And those that do (exist) require special anointing by an elder.
University degree abbreviations alone (DEd, PhD, BA, Ddiv, LLD, etc.) are empty letters of the alphabet without authentic contributions in their field of expertise! Letters and titles are the ego cocaine of those who pretend to be something they are not!
You don’t need titles; you need Apostolic results that add value to the Kingdom of God.
I find it very interesting that Philip, the disciple, was better known for his “pointing to Jesus” evangelism efforts than for his later role as a discrete apostle. When he heard the plea “Sir, we would see Jesus”… he promptly POINTED them to Jesus (John 12:20-23). The opportunity he acted on does not play out like a PhD mission, nor did he “invent” a snazzy title for himself; instead, he did his part to connect the Greeks to Jesus!
This article was inspired by a Brazilian soul winner called Antonio. He barely knows how to write his name and can only read very simple sentences, but he is a tremendous “outreacher” (a noun I just invented). The other day, he said, “I am like a hunting (pointer) dog that finds and brings hungry souls for the pastor to preach to.” He said, “I don’t know how to clean, prepare, or cook hungry souls; all I know is how to flush them out of their hell hole and get them to church. The pastor does all the rest.”
We need more pointer soul finders than we need pseudo-pastors!
Don’t try to climb above your level of relevance unless called upward by your covering pastor! Titles are useless without apostolic results!
Brad Lambeth
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