Her real name was Wanda Louise Lambeth. My precious mother would have been 93 yesterday. Blessed memories.
She could not sing a lick, and her musical talents were below zero. That bothered her a lot because, in her mind, all missionaries need to sing and play.
After a long silence of pondering, she would ask me, “Brad, what did God see in me that would qualify me as a missionary?” She would then cry quietly, asking God to forgive her tone-deafness.
I can answer her question! Her greatest gift to Brazil was found in prayer and witnessing!
She always started her day at 4:00 AM with prayer in the living room. Then, after that, she was walking the streets or riding a bus going to a new village to witness to others about Jesus!
Plus, she was used tremendously with the gifts and prophesied of many events far into the future. If you sing and play, God be praised! But at the end of the day, if you don’t know how to pray, you may never win a soul because your soul-vessel is empty.
Prayer fills you up with boldness to witness and enables the Holy Ghost in you to rebuke the chains of terrifying sin!
Missionaria Luiza, we miss you… but your prayers live on! The hundreds of souls across Brazil that you won for Jesus still sing the songs you so wanted to sing!
Your prayers tuned their voices to sing your songs for you!
Brad Lambeth​
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