I just returned from the Country of Belize, where I helped organize a special retreat for apostolic Central America missionaries and their families.
I have done many exciting things across my 48 years as a missionary to Brazil, but last week’s retreat was undoubtedly an exceptional highlight for Nara and me.
Our three days together were intense: we all prayed, learned, and enjoyed “downtime” together!
As the “oldest” active missionary present, I was able to “empty out” by sharing what I have learned while working the foreign harvest fields after almost 50 years of labor. Missionary Tommy Bracken was also very transparent with the group about his missionary experience.
Concerning the challenges that Central American missionaries are facing, I picked up on several crucial insights:
- The monthly cost of missionary work has increased tremendously over the last few years. For one reason, as their missionary vision expands (their outreach vision is SO exciting and even contagious!), the costs of expanding ALSO INCREASE. In other words, the monthly fuel expenses: car(s) maintenance, rental fees, sound systems, pews/chairs, signs, tracts, etc… NEVER cease and ALWAYS tend to expand as the overall mission project grows! Not to mention that each missionary, without exception, mentioned that they are sacrificing their personal family budget to fast track the growth of their field of labor. Please don’t forget that inflation and negative exchange rates also affect the overall financial structure!
Now for my personal experience/insights:
USA partners and supporters have ALWAYS been VERY GENEROUS when investing in special projects (new buildings, etc.). Thank you! So, at this time, that is not the problem. However, it is essential to know that your MONTHLY missionary support is just as important! Maybe even more needed, depending on the challenges they face in their labor field! So PLEASE continue helping them regularly EVERY month! Thank you!
- The missionaries at the retreat showed a fantastic willingness to work their hearts out as God’s missionaries, representing YOU on the foreign field to which YOU helped send them. As their supporter(s), YOU are saying that you TRUST and BELIEVE in their anointing and specialized ministry. There are so very many who do not fully understand the ministry of a missionary. Others don’t understand the many moving parts that make a man/wife become a qualified missionary. For example, I feel I am fully qualified as a missionary to Brazil. But, for me to become a missionary to the country of French Guiana (which shares a border with the north part of Brazil), I would have to completely “retool” my calling by learning a new language (French), a new culture (based on a European model) and even a new financial structure (eurodollars). So, every qualified missionary is a unique and anointed man/wife prepared for the field of their calling. They each need your TRUST and CONFIDENCE in their missionary wisdom. Even when they make a mistake in strategy, please be flexible and understanding. That is the only way they can become “veterans.” They are the “boots on the ground” for that country. Please give them the delegated authority they deserve while they represent your church and partnership.
- It is of great assistance when you help introduce missionaries to other preachers/pastors who have missions in their hearts. It is so hard to “cold call” a new potential supporter. By doing this, you will help alleviate the above two points.
For self-explanatory reasons, I have a tremendous love for missionaries worldwide. And I place myself at your service to answer any questions you might have concerning the many challenges that missionaries face worldwide. Please feel free to write or call me (jblambeth@gmail.com / 1-352-895-0046).
My love for missions is why I started the subscription Dying Empty Newsletter project. I write articles directed to the apostolic ministry concerning current challenges and other apostolic insights twice a week.
Check it out: dyingempty.net (all proceeds go to missions).
Brad Lambeth