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New Year, New Past!

Today is the first day of the rest of our lives, which we tend to measure by segments of 365 days per cycle.  While January 1st is like any other day, we tend to use it as a launching point for new goals and a renewed vision!

Sometimes that is very hard to do because we also tend to measure our future by the past year (or even lifetime).  And if the last 365 days were horrible, then it is very difficult to push into victory in just the 24 hours of January 1st.

So I wish all our readers a Happy New Year!  Maybe today, once and for all, you will be able to recycle the events of 2023 as a learning/growing experience to be used for new and profound experiences during 2024!

That will only be possible if we incorporate (or enhance) our base structure using personal discipline, starting TODAY! For example, a sporadic prayer life will create the same emptiness as our yesterdays.  The lack of ministerial focus will only construct sand churches (without solid rock foundations). 

So, just for today, commit yourself to do three important things that you will repeat tomorrow and beyond.  Pray for 30 minutes TODAY (and commit yourself to do it tomorrow again).  Pledge an hour a day toward soul-winning. Etc. (It won’t hurt to fast once a week on a set day without ever justifying an excuse to not fast). 

In other words, the past will always condemn you if you don’t use last year as a launching point for the NEW you (year).

I have tried to share my prayers and support my friends in pain… I am here ready for another year.  I have also started a new newsletter that I am writing twice a week (using a subscription model so as not to bother those that are not interested): You may already be receiving the newsletters and if that is the case, Thank You!. Check it out when you have the time.  I hope that the articles will be a blessing to others. You can visit the website to subscribe or click the link below. Thanks for your continued support of Apostolic missions!

Brad Lambeth

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